Study preparation


In our expertise oriented preparatory courses, we work in a concentrated atmosphere preparing you for the entrance examinations and auditions at Music Academies and Conservatories.

Our experienced instructors bring their professional expertise and the necessary passion and determination to prepare you.

The excellent instruments at InKlangArt as well as the special acoustics of our premises provide the best conditions for you to be perfectly prepared for your audition and later studies.

The individual courses will be run exclusively by lecturers from the UdK and Hanns Eisler Musikhochschule Berlin.

The learning strategy will be individually matched to your needs.

Participation in our courses greatly increases your chances of mastering the entrance exam and auditions in Germany. 

Course environment 

The frequency and intensity of the course units are matched to needs of the students.

Classes take place in the bright and welcoming rooms of InKlangArt Music Academy.

The entire administrative process is taken over by us. Nothing should distract you from a focused and carefree exam preparation.

Benefits for you

We provide comfortable practice rooms and highly qualified instructors.

You get exclusive, direct access to InKlangArt's complete musical infrastructure.

We organize everything - you save precious time and avoid stress.


We look forward to getting to know you in person!
Feel free to contact us.

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lesson – Book now!